Age Calculator | Calculate date between two different Dates

Calculator for Age and Date Date & Age Calculator Start Date / Date of Birth: End Date / Current Date: Calculate Date Difference Calculate Age Reset [wpcode id="1119"] [wpcode id="1122"]…

Holiday Calculator for Full Time and Part Time

Please read instruction before using this Holiday Calculator. [wpcode id="1089"] Holiday Calculator Starting Date: Ending Date (if applicable): Percentage of Full-Time: Total Yearly Holidays: Other Holidays (e.g., bank holidays): Calculate…

How to create Tabs using HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT

Tabs on websites are commonly used for organizing content into different sections or categories within a single page. They allow users to navigate between different sets of information without leaving…

Digital Clock js project
How to create Digital Clock using HTML CSS and JavaScript

Dive into building a digital clock for your webpage! This step-by-step guide will use JavaScript to craft a simple clock that displays the current time.We'll kick things off with fundamental…